Fourth of July, how sweet it sounds,
As every year it rolls around.
It brings active joy to boy and man,
This glorious day throughout our land.

We hail this day with joy and pride,
And speak of our forefathers who died;
Who fought for liberty in days of yore,
And drove the British from our shore.

We, as descendants of that race,
Should not now our land disgrace.
Arise, freeman, arise once more,
Be earnest as in the days of yore.

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Great Britain is niet groot meer maar verdeeld
Voor common wealth raakt men nooit uitgestreden
(Iets wat de Whigs en Tories ook al deden)
‘k Heb plots “Britannia rule the waves” in beeld:

Ik zie ze voor de Noordzeekust flink dringen
Die boten propvol Britse vluchtelingen!